Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Stairs and Filters

Mon 3/28 

Built gates for in front of the Library. Sonny & Fedelum built the cinderblock and cement stairs for the bathroom. 

Lebon gathered palm frond for the fence and Wag, Lebon and Liffern stuck them into the fence. Nice work, nice fence. 

4 pm 12 more people showed up, gave out filters, 12 more people got filters and instructions how to care for them and clean them. Ken took photos again.

Demo and distributing the filters

Sun 3/27
12 people showed up at 4 pm to get water filters. I did a complete demo with Sam & Federique reading & translating the care and cleaning instructions. It went very well. 12 people left all happy to have filters. Ken took video and photos. 

The Filter Pure water Filters arrive

Sat 3/26
Took the 8 am taxi boat along with 25 or so locals from the village. Sam pays someone to carry him to the boat so he won’t get his shoes and pants wet.  I sit next to the French Canadian couple with two young boys from Quebec. They left the kids on the boat for the day and are off to Les Cayes to see the city. 

We are on a mission to PU the water filters.
We arrive, call the filter delivery man and I am told he is still two hours away, so we head for the hardware store to buy materials. You folks at Waterstreet Company in Sausalito would get a kick out of seeing how they run hardware stores here. Everything is behind the counter. Some things are displayed on walls behind the counters, but only a few. You ask for what you want, the clerk fetches it, or what she thought you asked for, then goes back several times until you get something that might serve the purpose, or you figure out how to make do with what they do have or give up. 
Then the clerk writes it all up long hand on a slip of blank paper, starting over if there are any changes or deletions. The completed list is handed across to a man in a wire cage in the middle of the room, who totals the bill and hands it back to the clerk. The clerk shows it to you, you hand her the money, she hands it to the money guy, who makes change, but wait, we are not yet done. The money counter man now locks up his cage, comes around to the counter and checks off each item on the list which have all be laid out neatly on the counter before the clerk is allowed to bag or box them up. Not the most efficient system, but it sure must be necessary to reduce shrinkage and pilfering. 
Just about the time we are done paying we get a call that the water filter truck has arrived. They made better time than we expected, or maybe I misheard what was said. Anyway we head out of the hardware store. I ask Karma if he will carry the four small sheets of very thin sheet metal we have bought to protect the water cisterns form the sun’s rays, and he says “No.” I am puzzled and not sure what is going on. I ask him why and am told they never carry anything in Les Cayes, there are other people for that. I ask Wagner if he will carry them and he also says he never carries anything in Les Cayes, it is never done. He says he will carry anything on Ile a Vache, but not in Les Cayes. I am not sure why, but don’t care or want to wait for the explanation, so I lift the four sheets up on my head and fold them down over my ears like a sheet metal sunbonnet and start off down the street, They are all incredulous and laughing at me and tell me that the people are all laughing. I don’t mind, but perhaps it would be better if I don’t break the local social taboos and take work away from the men who carry things for others for a living.
When we get back we call a committee meeting for 5 pm, went over filters w/ Karma & Sam reading w/ Federique translating, me demonstrating, and gave one to each of the 6 committee members, met and agreed each would pick two people to come at 4 pm on Sunday to PU filters

Pizza and Lobster

Fri 3/25
Wagner off to Les Cayes to PU money and buy materials. Breakfast at Port Morgan w/ Adrian, Liza, Alberto & his Mexican wife.

Offered and accept a ride back in Adrian & Liza dinghy, Very pretty hard shell fiberglass lapstrake dinghy with teak seats & flotation chambers fore and aft. Very stable, lightweight and strong. I like it a lot and will look for a similar one for Nepenthe.
Make Pizza in the solar oven. Solar Cooking 1.0, first attempt to make pizza. Semi success, mostly a failure, crust never got done, very doughy, cheese never melted. Need larger oven bags, more solar gain. Will try again by inverting the lid on the roasting pan, thus reducing its size and volume, making it possible to fit two oven bags over it, and also less volume of air to heat inside. Also need to increase solar reflector area by factor of 2-3 will use plywood covered with foil on second attempt. We ate the pizza anyway and everyone says it is good. What’s not to like? Dough, pesto with olive oil, garlic, basil, chopped tomatoes, mozzarella cheese, olives, all good to eat even if not crispy and melted.
Lobster for dinner. Just lobster, good size, large tails.  remove the tail, cover with lime juice and olive oil. It is delicious. Another great day in paradise.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

No more climbing thru the window to the bathroom

Wed 3/23
Wag, Sonny & Fedlum knock out walls above and below window to make the door opening. Big mess. Monclaire helping.

Monclaire & I take Wags boat out rowing to visit boats in the harbor. Meet the French couple on Namaste, Adrian on Two Ticks, a Wharram catamaran from South Africa.

One day old colt by the path on way to Port Morgan hotel

A typical Haitian boat undergoing some repairs by the path on way to Port Morgan hotel

The shipwright