Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Pizza and Lobster

Fri 3/25
Wagner off to Les Cayes to PU money and buy materials. Breakfast at Port Morgan w/ Adrian, Liza, Alberto & his Mexican wife.

Offered and accept a ride back in Adrian & Liza dinghy, Very pretty hard shell fiberglass lapstrake dinghy with teak seats & flotation chambers fore and aft. Very stable, lightweight and strong. I like it a lot and will look for a similar one for Nepenthe.
Make Pizza in the solar oven. Solar Cooking 1.0, first attempt to make pizza. Semi success, mostly a failure, crust never got done, very doughy, cheese never melted. Need larger oven bags, more solar gain. Will try again by inverting the lid on the roasting pan, thus reducing its size and volume, making it possible to fit two oven bags over it, and also less volume of air to heat inside. Also need to increase solar reflector area by factor of 2-3 will use plywood covered with foil on second attempt. We ate the pizza anyway and everyone says it is good. What’s not to like? Dough, pesto with olive oil, garlic, basil, chopped tomatoes, mozzarella cheese, olives, all good to eat even if not crispy and melted.
Lobster for dinner. Just lobster, good size, large tails.  remove the tail, cover with lime juice and olive oil. It is delicious. Another great day in paradise.

1 comment:

  1. Hi I would try to make a pizza without the oven bag, because the moisure and heat being trapped would make the dough soggy. it wouldn't get crispy. I would do it more like a fried egg, just straight on a flat pizza pan (black if you have one.) You can also look at one of the books on solar cooking for recipes, because these are helpful, too! Best, Lorena
